Price List
Prices are updated on a weekly basis, every Tuesday afternoon.
245 Fort Chiswell Road | Max Meadows, VA 24360 | (276) 637-3113
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September 18, 2024
We will begin weighing at 8 am
GRADE #1 | Steers | Bulls | Heifers |
300-349 | $3.09 | $2.92 | $2.59 |
350-399 | $3.01 | $2.87 | $2.52 |
400-449 | $2.92 | $2.79 | $2.45 |
450-499 | $2.82 | $2.69 | $2.38 |
500-549 | $2.68 | $2.53 | $2.32 |
550-599 | $2.63 | $2.42 | $2.24 |
600-649 | $2.51 | $2.30 | $2.14 |
650-699 | $2.41 | $2.14 | $2.12 |
700-749 | $2.27 | $1.87 | $1.99 |
750-799 | $2.12 | $1.82 | $1.89 |
800-849 | $2.02 | $1.52 | $1.79 |
850-899 | $1.92 | $1.49 | $1.74 |
900-949 | $1.82 | ||
950-1000 | $1.72 |
All Holsteins will be priced off truck.
Other grades will be priced off truck.
Slaughter cattle are priced off truck.
Sale Bill: $5.00 per head